What's the fastest way to add patients?
Add patients by clicking the (+) button on the top right. The only fields that are required are the: 1) first name, 2) last name, and 3) address.

Do I need to put in the phone number?
The phone number field is optional, but will allow you to send SMS, use SMS Templates, and call the patient from the app. SMS Templates let you send confirmation messages to the patient with the date and time of his/her appointment.

What is a notebook?
Use notebooks to help you organize your patients. If you work for multiple home health agencies, you can create a notebook for each agency. This helps you quickly see where to do your documentation and also see how many patients each agency is giving you on the calendar.

What are tags?
Tags lets you assign attributes to your patients. Examples of commonly used tags include: diabetic, shoulder, pets, etc.

What's the difference between notebook and tags?
First of all, you can only have 1 notebook per patient, whereas you can have many tags. Tags are mostly for information as you make your visit. Think of notebooks like a folder; and think of tags like sticky notes.

What are details for?
Details are you to put anything else you might need for your visit. For example, a gate code or the name of the patient's family member. This helps you keep everything in one place.

What is the status field for?
Patients can have two different states: active or archived. Active patients are patients who you are actively still seeing. When you are done seeing that patient, you'll want to change the status to "archived" to remove clutter and to speed up ZigBuddy. You can always come back to activate the patient if he/she comes back on your schedule.

How do I mark the patient as important?
Use the "star" feature to alert you to something special about the patient. On the patient pane, click on the star on the top left corner to toggle it. The star will be visible in the search, calendar, and everywhere else when you see the patient's name.



How do I add appointments to the calendar?
The fastest way to add appointments is to use drag/drop. You can do this from a few locations: 1) from the search results, 2) from the patient pane, or 3) from the top bar when using a mobile device. Simply drag circle (with the patient's initials) onto the calendar or onto the route. You'll be presented with a quick form in case you want to make any adjustments. Then just click save!

You can also manually add appointments in the patient pane on the (+) button.

How do I delete appointments?
You can delete appointments by clicking on it, and selecting the trash icon.

Can I bulk delete appointments?
Yes! On the patient pane, go down to the mini-calendar. Click on a date (in the mini-calendar) that has an appointment in it. You'll get an option to either delete just that day, or everything after that day.

How do I move appointments?
Just like adding appointments, the fastest way is to use drag/drop. On the calendar, just drag the appointment to another date. If you're using a mobile device, you may be shown a pop-up with a magnified view so that it's easier to drag/drop.

You can also manually change the appointment dates by clicking on the actual appointments and selecting a new date.

How do I view all of a patient's appointments?
Open up the patient pane and you'll see a list of appointments organized by month. You'll also notice that the calendar grays out other patients' appointments so you can quickly see how your patient fits into your schedule.



What is set time range?
Unlike traditional calendar systems, ZigBuddy is made for home health workers in that patients often have a time range when they want to be seen. Set time range allows you to specify that patient's preferences. For example, if the patient wants to be seen in the morning only, you can set the time range for 9-12. If the patient doesn't care (or you don't want to give the option), just leave this blank.

What is status?
Appointments have the following status options: 1) Active, 2) Confirmed, 3) Messaged, 4) Canceled, and 5) Completed.

Active - the appointment is active and the patient needs to be seen.
Confirmed - you contacted the patient and he/she confirmed the appointment.
Messaged - you didn't reach the patient so you either left a message or texted.
Canceled - the appointment was canceled.
Completed - you saw the patient!

Do I need to update the status?
Nope, the status function is totally optional. However, it may help you do things faster. For example, on the calendar, you can quickly see who you've messaged/confirmed. You can also see which patients canceled their appointment.

Should I cancel the appointment or delete/move it?
It depends. We recommend that if a patient cancels the appointment ON the day of visit, mark it as "canceled" to keep it on the schedule. That's because it may be too late to change the order of your route. Canceled appointments will be shown with a line through it.

If the patient tells you ahead of time that they need to move their appointment, then you'd just move it (and not use cancel).

What if ON the day of visit, the patient wants to move to another day? Should I move or cancel?
In this situation, we still recommend selecting "canceled" and then create a new appointment on the new date.  This is because you don't want the AI to change how you route. You already confirmed the times with your other patients.

What are appointment types?
Appointment types help you organize your appointments. Sometimes different appointment types require you to bring different equipment. Common appointment types include: new visit, routine, last visit, etc. You can customize the appointment types and color in the settings.

Note: you can leave appointment types blank if you want.

What are snippets?
Snippets are short text that you want to see with the appointment. Examples of snippets include "upper extremity", "family conference", etc.

What's the difference between appointment types and snippets?
Appointment types are pre-defined types of visits. Snippets are more free-form which may change from patient to patient. Just like using tags (for patients), snippets are like sticky notes.

What are notes?
Notes are for more detailed information that's too long for snippets. This could be things you want to remember for your appointment. You might have a list of things you want to do during this visit. That can be jotted down in notes.

What is the "Do not route this location" toggle for?
This select box is for you to remember that this appointment visit does not need a physical visit. You'll be override this setting when you actually plan your route.



How do I plan my route?
1) First you'll need to add patients to the day. Remember you can drag/drop onto both the calendar or the route itself.
2) Next step is click on "Plan"
3) On the plan page, make any adjustments you need. You can drag patients into the beginning or end to manually reorder the route. You can also change the arrive/departure time and whether you want a lunch break for the day. If you have patients that are on the schedule that you don't need to visit, drag the appointment to "exclude from routing"
4) Click "Save Route" -> that's it!

When would I use "exclude from routing"?
Drag/drop a patient into "exclude from routing" when you don't need to actually visit their house. For example, sometimes you  just need to make a phone call. This tells ZigBuddy to skip that person's house from your route.

If I set a lunch, will it always route with a lunch?
No. You can set the default lunch preferences in "Settings" but you can override the defaults on the route view.

What is Snooze AI?
ZigBuddy is using AI to try to help you get the most out of your day. Sometimes, one patient wants an afternoon appointment only. That creates a schedule where you start in the morning, and then have a big gap before your afternoon appointment. Snooze AI works to minimize the gap by having you start later in the day--so yes, you can sleep in if you want to! If you don't, just toggle the "Snooze AI" to go back to standard mode.

I don't see Snooze AI?
Snooze AI option will only show when there is a gap in your schedule. If there's no gap, and you want to start later, just change your starting time preference.



What's the difference between simple view and detailed view?
The simple view works best on mobile devices and shows just the name and address. The detailed view shows everything else for those who likes to see all the data on one page. On a mobile device, you'll see the simple view when your phone is in portrait, and detailed view when you turn  your phone sideways.

What's the difference between contacts and search?
This is a great question! On first glance, it's very similar. However, the search function only shows active patients. The contacts page allows you to also see archived patients and filter according to notebooks. Why the two views for similar information? The main reason is so that you can drag your search results directly onto the calendar to add appointments. This helps speed your scheduling significantly.



What is the icon on the top right of maps?
This is the "draw areas" icon.

What is "draw areas"?
Draw areas allow you to draw (and color) areas on the map to quickly see where your patients are. For example, you may want to draw an area that you like going to.

How do I show only certain patients on the map?
Just like the contacts page, you can filter and search to narrow down who you want to show up on the map.



What are SMS Templates?
SMS Templates allow you to create frequent text replies. For example: I'm on my way, Be there in 5 minutes, etc. This allows you to quickly text patients.